New Stylish Svg Icons Set

SVG icons

There are two types of coloring for SVG icons, using fill:...; and stroke:...;, fill: used for svg with a solid color (bold) while stroke: is used to change the color outline

In our theme, class='line' has been added as an alternative to the stroke: coloration, so if you find an icon of the same type then just add the classname 'line' to the SVG tag.

svg.line, svg .line{fill:none !important;stroke:#48525c;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1}
svg.c-1, svg .c-1{fill:#455065}
svg.c-2, svg .c-2{fill:#767676; opacity:.4}
Where can I get HTML code for SVG icon?

If you have a file with .svg extension, you can open it in any browser then press ctrl+U and copy all the HTML code that appears. You can also use Notepad to open SVG files.

Some of the icon packs shared are licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) which means to appreciate the creator, add a credit link to the icon maker.

License information last checked: January 13, 2022

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